On Thursday, 23rd of April 2020 we will be at Sixty One Whitehall, London SW1A to learn more about tackling waste across the UK - standardising waste collections, expanding extended producer responsibility, and implementing the Resources and Waste Strategy.
We want to improve the acclaimed ‘A Future without Rubbish’ project. It already is making waves in radically improving recycling rates and clearing public spaces of litter - in Romania & the UK - and is now set to start in India shortly. It has just started the ‘One Bag Zero Waste’ campaign to be a part of the A Future without Rubbish program.
This conference focuses on waste policy across the UK – and we’ll be assessing latest developments, and learning of priorities for legislation from
Peter Maddox (Director, WRAP UK)
Chris Preston ( Deputy Director, Resources and Waste, Defra),
Andy Rees, (Head of Waste Strategy, Welsh Government) and
The Scottish Government.
Will there be increased penalties for fly-tipping?
Will there be a ban on plastic waste exports to non-OECD countries?
Or will the introduction of new levies for the proportion of recyclable plastics in packaging actually increase the presence and strength of our ‘One Bag Zero Waste campaign’? It uses a bag made from 100% recycled plastic.
Will a plastic packaging tax be introduced, and how?
Please join us at Sixty One Whitehall, London SW1A and find out, book your tickets here.