Last week, on the 14th of January 2020, Chris Preston (DEFRA’s Deputy Director of Waste and Resources) , held an assembly at Millbank Academyon waste and the UK’s positive moves in this worldwide problem, as reported in Let's Recycle, linkhere. He led a chorus of “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” and he set the pupils a question regarding the 25 million tonnes of waste the UK produces each year.

Also, a student awarded him as an ‘Agent’ of A Future without Rubbish (photographed above) by giving him a ‘500ff’ drinking flask, joining pupils in the UK and Romania and the Environment Secretary this time last year, the Rt Hon Michael Gove (linked here).
Millbank Academy is a participant in the project A Future without Rubbish (AFWR), funded by #MyWestminsterFund. The project works in schools in Romania and Westminster, improving recycling rates (by 36% where it started in UNESCO listed Valea Viilor), educating for waste reduction and clearing public spaces of litter. It started in 2016 and grows; it is endorsed by governments, councils and businesses.

Luke Douglas-Home said: “The project brings everyone -School, Businesses, Councils and Communities – together in this endeavour of reducing waste.”
Westminster City Council (waste and recycling) said: “A Future without Rubbish is working with Westminster Council and is helping to drive improvements in our recycling rates.”
Attended by school pupils, parents and DEFRA today, the next A Future without Rubbish event is organised at a Westminster school on the 4th February, with @WaterAidUK. Our project A Future without Rubbish started in Romania 4 years ago in one council, and it has now grown to five. This is the gateway to a future without rubbish all over the world.